Mau’s full version of Breaking Barriers Building Futures Vision Plan
will be available for download 02/22/2025
Create a safer, more resilient city by addressing the root causes of crime, modernizing law enforcement, and revisiting overlooked city policies in enforcement. It’s no longer as simple as instilling trust between the community and public safety institutions, we’re now at the vital moment of empowering action to protect our local communities and families through strengthening our state and federal partnerships.
Transform San Antonio into a hub for innovation and opportunity by attracting publicly traded companies, diversifying the job market, and leveraging the city’s strengths in land availability and human capital to foster economic growth.
Build a modern, sustainable infrastructure that aligns with San Antonio’s economic growth goals, enhances quality of life, and more importantly reflects fiscal responsibility. The private sector, here too, has a vital role here.
Elevate San Antonio’s public education system to produce a highly skilled workforce. Revitalizing and incentivizing higher education through partnerships with the private sector and Fortune 500 companies is key. The current reality is that graduating students prefer to leave San Antonio in search of higher paying jobs in other cities, I plan to change that.
Address the root causes of homelessness by tackling mental health, addiction, and economic reintegration issues through partnerships with national institutions, while shifting long-term care responsibilities to state-level resources.
Protecting residents from excessive property tax burdens is vital to upgrading our local economy, especially for those living on a fixed income. A careful balance of reducing costs while revitalizing our job market will take time, but with careful attention, it can be done.
Competition in the private sector is great because it forces not only local, but also outside companies that are interested in our city to level up and meet the demands of our citizens. This is done with bold leadership and clear vision.
For over 35 years we’ve lagged other Texas cities when it comes to wages and income for our citizens. Wages and income, in addition to ambitious entrepreneurship, are at the root of how our families transform their current lives and the generations that come after them. Generational wealth cannot be created without these perspectives in mind.
At the center of my campaign is the belief that every child in this city deserves to not only dream and aspire, but live out their dreams. For far too long, our local economy has stagnated due to fiscally irresponsible leadership and indecisive action at the municipal level. This in turn has created an economy that forces parents to work odd jobs, longer hours, and ultimately rob parents of their time with their families.
I know this because I too lived it. While I had my father growing up, I was also deprived of many moments with him growing up. Missed birthdays, absent holidays, and long extended workweeks are what deprived me of these precious moments with my father. I believe those missed birthdays and holidays deprive children of the true experience of what it means to be a child, it forces us to grow up, and inevitably affects us for a lifetime.
The new economy is about the idea of pairing “working smarter” with “working harder”, a marrying of the two. Parents deserve to share these precious moments with their families and I believe that by elevating the private sector and bringing bigger companies to this city, this will trickle down to our way of life at home and the generations of the future San Antonio.
My parents were in the same situation, well more so that they were forced to grow up quickly and that prevented them from pursuing a higher education. My plan is inclusive and purposed for individuals just like you, individuals like my parents.
My plan is focused on attracting larger and well-capitalized companies (most known by the term Fortune 500). These companies, across a diversified economy, not only bring higher paying jobs but increased benefits for their employees. In all sectors of the economy we have positions that do not require an education. This positions are important to fill because they are the backbone of our beautiful country, the great United States! My plan is to bring more of these companies that make our country great and inspire entrepreneurship from the bottom up.
Rest assured that at every step of my plan and its execution when I am in office, jobs in these fields will be at the center of my process in meeting with these companies.
Examples of some companies that are well capitalized and manufacture goods: Legos, Tesla, Ford, Proctor & Gamble (Gillette), Colgate, Samsung, Apple, Texas Instruments (calculators/semiconductors), Caterpillar, General Electric, Nestlé, Coca Cola, Pfizer, Raytheon Technologies, Sherwin Williams, the list goes on!
At the center of elevating an economy stands consumer demand for services from entrepreneurs like yourself. Far too often I have seen electricians, plumbers, and other similar trades fail at the mercy of increased competition or just not enough business in the field.
Equipping entrepreneurs with the ability to streamline the bidding process when it comes to these larger companies and their entrance into the marketplace will be at the center of how you too can elevate with this vision of our economy.
This isn’t simply just going to work on the commercial side, but it will also work on the residential side as we see an influx of population growth in the coming years.
The important component of this growth is that families make the wages they deserve. With the increase in household income, rest assured that housing will too need upgrading. An economy sustainable in growth not only in terms of population, but also in terms of GDP (economic growth) sees an abundance of opportunity for the entire city.
Human capital (our people and communities) and Land (raw land and vacant unused properties throughout the city).
With these perspectives in mind, our local economic landscape has stagnated behind other Texas cities. Our poverty rate is above 18% and wages (income) lags other cities by a large measure. This is a conversation of failed leadership to utilize our resources to maximize jobs and increase opportunities for all citizens.
Jobs in the city of San Antonio predominatly rests on the following industries: healthcare, military, hospitality (bars, restaurants), and travel (hotels).
While these industries have grown to some extent, the largest booms (upgrades to our economy in the United States) have been led by other industry such as technology, energy, finance, consumer discretionary. While these industry have supplied other areas such as Dallas, Austin, and Houston with the bulk of the upgrades in wages paid and infrastructure surrounding the buildings that houses these industry leaders, San Antonio has partaken in none of it. Our wages have lagged behind heavily in the city in comparison to our neighbors in the other large cities. Meanwhile, we’ve still dealt with all the busts of a broken economy, we’ve still experienced the same inflation.
To put it briefly, your take-home pay is low, but you’re still paying larger rent costs, mortgage costs, and other costs of living at a higher rate.
Real estate is an industry that experiences the booms and busts of an economy, simply because a lot of the business that you all conduct is highly correlated with the supply of money (think interest rates). My plan is focused on bringing larger companies to the city, in turn inspires a number of things, including:
incentivizing graduating students to stay in San Antonio and work for these companies
attract families to move to San Antonio and work for these companies
raises wages and income of local residents
all of these motives are bullish (green lights) to individuals in industries like yours. More growth in the city, increased wages (meaning these families can afford larger properties); more demand for realtors and livable properties.
An economy that grows in population and median income, drives demand for mortgages.
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We’ll Elevate
San Antonio.
If you believe in my vision for our San Antonio,
stand with me as we break barriers and build the future of our city.